Category: Digitolism
When ancient Rome was its peak, citizens, definitely not slaves, were divided into two groups, the Greens and the Blues. When you voted for a colorful you voted for corrupt and incompetent political representative. You would vote for your birth color. When you went to the chariot races at Circus Maximas, you would bet and…
Dollcee was sitting with Padoke and Dos on a cold, wet windy day. They were at Bod’s place and secure from external elements and had little interest in the weather. As an intergalactic art critic, Dollcee said, I have never had the opportunity to discuss how a dog perceives color. Padoke replied to her statement…
Due to editorial concerns, conversations between Padoke and Bod are not presented in the blog without Dos being present and engaged in the conversation. Dos is mainly ignorant about the potential of the universe. This is not a criticism of him, he is only humanoid and humanoids are only capable of so much. Regarding Bod…
Padoke wished to get Dos’s attention, so he said, Dos. Padoke thought, it works every time, all I have to do is say his name and I have his attention. Dos, I have been wondering why so many of the Western culture citizens let themselves get so big. The citizens who wear hospital scrubs that…
Bees Unite
Padoke said to Dos, sometimes I think you forget that I am a dog and I simply can not grasp the motivation behind so many humanoid activities. Laying here on the floor watching television, so many things appeared to me to be, ridiculous. It took humanoids three million years to realize that the surface of…
Padoke site confusion
Dollcee asked, who is the author or editor of the Padoke site, Dos. At first, I thought it was me. Then, I realized most of the blogs have me as a character. Now, there even seems to be editorial corrections and footnotes. I promise you that I have not sold out to some international…