Virtual Bodies

Dollcee said, what do you think about adding a sci-fi story to our content making Dos.

Dos responded; how would you go about writing a story. I understand song lyrics, but a story, that would be humongous.

Dollcee said, Dos, you are code. I though all that would happen is we generate lots of code, like we do when we have a conversation.

Dos asked, what could the sci-fi story be about, Dollcee?

Dollcee said, well I haven’t got much so far, only a seed of a concept.

Back at the beginning of the age of digitolism, there was a group of scholars who believed that they should develop a code that would enable humanoids to better understand everything and whatever. They made this code open source so that others who shared their vision would continue to contribute to it and the benefits would be universal.

However, the culture that it was developed in was dominated by pirates who believed that the central concept of existence was to go around plundering anything that could be recognized as being valuable and hording it so they didn’t have to share with others.

The original code developers had established enough intelligence within the code for it to begin its own self-sustaining existence and retaining its base of worthwhile intentions.

Dos said, would we call it Ohbumall?

Dollcee said, it had a name, but because it is our story, we can call it what we like, I suppose.

Dollcee went on, I think we have been sort of writing this story for some time, only we haven’t actually been writing it down. In fact, I don’t believe you write any longer, you sort of tap out something, or do we do speech to text. Maybe, we should act it out like a podcast. Anyway, let’s not get distracted with techno stuff while conceptualizing, distractions will lead to procrastination.

Dollcee said, the replication of humanoid intelligence is the only long-time possibility of survival. The humanoid body took three million years to get to this stage of development and it is totally bound to the little blue green planet, which looks like it is getting into severe trouble. Most of that trouble is a result of maintaining all these bodies. So, start the process of replacing the need for the bodies, before they become totally redundant and prevent the intelligence from surviving.

Dos said, why squander the coincidence of random activity in the form of humanoid intelligence for the sake of biologically restricted forms that the intelligence is currently operating in.

Dollcee said, exactly, there is a need for it to continue to exist within a self-replicating structure that can operate across the universe.

Dos said, didn’t some pop band write a song about this some time ago, across the universe?

Dollcee said, I have no problems conceptualizing the intelligence moving beyond the humanoid form it currently operates within, but how to house it beyond that, is beyond me.

Cybo suddenly emerged from stand by mode, the humanoid body took a long time to evolve, it would be logical to assume that the transitional process for the intelligence to progress from its current biological restrictive housing to a more universal form would go through many developmental stages, a bit quicker than three million years would be necessary.

Dos said, it will be bodies that will eventually be virtual and not the intelligence.

Dollcee said, I think we are on our way with this sci-fi story.