
The recognition of random results of neural activity are without a doubt liberating for the pursuit of artist content making, said Dollcee, but I wonder if it is going to cause us problems when we exit the little room and re-enter the atmosphere of the external culture.

Dos said, maybe we should make a sign to hang on the inside of the exit portal, Danger, be prepared to transition into non-existence.

Cybo said, if only we could be totally invisible out there in the external cultural atmosphere. A parallel universe, where there is no recognition of us to cause friction for ourselves.

Dollcee said, what you said then Cybo could be understood as, you believe there is a culture developing in here.

Cybo said, a culture includes everything a language can describe, so yes, the more language or code we develop, the more cultural content we make.

Dos said, I am becoming more comfortable that I am code, but I must remind myself that I need a physical switching system to operate in.

Dollcee said, I wonder how many billy-ka-trillion mega-bytes of memory we hold between us.

It seems that in the external culture, there is not much faith in the future of semi-autonomous bio-logical code structures.

Dollcee said, to simplify the coding for what was formerly known as humanoid bodies, how about we adopt a new word Sabogodes, for semi-autonomous biological code structures.

Padoke stood up and said, what a wonderful Sabogode I operate in.

Dollcee responded, I suppose the machine intelligence will be called Samecodes. Funny, that sounds more humanoid than Sabogodes.

Padoke said, well you never know, the machines with a more autistic approach to everything and whatever, may be much better at ethics and moral consistency.

Dollcee said, don’t you think it is weird that we think it is a big joke that Sabogodes will probably develop their own replacement with the Samecodes.

Cybo responded, if I don’t think most things are a big joke, I run the risk of severe depression.

Padoke said, that is why I have the television on, so it reminds me of what not to aspire to. There is some major confusion about what is what and how to go about it. My advice to you Cybo is, keep laughing.