
Dollcee began to live stream and she was not directing her emerging content at anyone in particular, letting it rip, as she liked to say. She went on, I think the biggest hurdle that I have overcome so far was, surviving adolescence. Morphing from childhood into a teenager was major, major, really big.

Everyone and everything around me were so busy getting on with their own existence, they didn’t even notice the transformation that I was going through. So much for the maintenance of culture by guiding the next generation through puberty.

Cybo said, in a slow and measured way, Dollcee the adolescent humanoid is the most watched and researched group within the eight billion currently existing humanoids existing. Because they are so out of control for the dramatic physical changes they are going through, they are ripe pickings for identity product providers.

Dos said, in a way isn’t that what we are doing. We are content makers for popular identity.

Dos is very good at pointing out something that makes everyone feel uncomfortable with and it took some time before the conversational blockage was circumvented.

Dollcee went back to live streaming without mentioning Dos’s conversation killer. Responsible pop culture content making is extremely important for the future of social harmony. Fostering members of society through puberty could significantly reduce a lot of social mayhem. I notice many nutters and loonies claim that their confusion about good social behavior began in their puberty.