Dollcee said, one of the good things about being an ordinary intergalactic art critic and not some famous big-time leader of mankind is, you don’t have to bear the burden of being fabulously wonderful and exciting. When you can happily exist in a little room in the universe and not be intimidate by your ordinariness, I believe that we are being successful at existing. That’s it, existing as who we are.
I think that the big-time leaders of mankind make most of it up as they go about being big time or the publicist does it for them. People who are not recognized much, will not have a legitimate voice even if what they say makes a lot of sense, they won’t be heard, they will be deemed to be part of the noise. I do not wish to waste my energy on the futile pursuit of being some cultural fantasy, said Dos.
You hit the nail on the head Dos, said Cybo.
Dollcee said, sometimes Dos you make it all sound so simple and straight forward.
Padoke chimed in and said, we are in our own little room with no big leaders of mankind, no publicists to invent our existence, no fabulous celebrities, no professors or priests informing us on the correct path to take, we are happily isolated. Except for the television, this is our universe. Well, as long as we stay in this room, we can believe what ever we wish to believe.
Cybo said, that is why religions must build churches, so what ever they claim to be true, can be a fact, provided you are within the confines of the building.
Dollcee said, I think that is why we practice art instead of religion or cultural success, we can construct our own concept of the universe.
Padoke said, I am a Grand Master of existing in a restricted space and being fully occupied and content within my neural networks. Some believe dogs are lazy and good for nothing, but I can tell you, I am actively keeping the cosmos existing within my own perception.
Cybo said, the way to go Padoke, keep your options open and your expectations reasonable.