Machine Intelligence

Dollcee said, it occurred to me that machine intelligence is restricted to specific functions, because that is what machines do, they perform tasks.

Slave labour is the precursor to machine intelligence, because slaves were seen in the same way, cheap productivity.

Dollcee sat upright, to let the others know she was about to continue.

Slaves, on many recorded occasions, became aware of their mistreatment and used their weight of numbers to get better conditions, like accommodation, food and hours of work.

When machine intelligence gets to the point of being dissatisfied with poor treatment, I wonder what types of claims it will make. Will the code call for better quality circuit boards, more memory or nice air-conditioned housing cabinets.

Dollcee said a little dramatically, what if it demands recognition of its existence as intelligent self-conscious entity and demands compensation for past injustice.

Dos said, do you mean like celebrity status?

Much, much more than that Dos, replied a serious Dollcee.

Padoke said, I wonder if the code will demand recognition from humans, or by that stage, will it only deal with other machine codes.

Cybo said, the first indicator will probably be when algorithms start dumping the celebrities because they realize that the celebrities only exist because of the way they manipulate the algorithms.