A note from the Blog editor.
The Padoke blog, not the dog, is full of contradictions. There are even accusations of hypocrisy against it. The argument is that it is humanoid in origin, because it is littered with contradictions.
It is a well-known journalistic fact, that the sign of autism is when a humanoid cannot recognize much beyond a narrow set of guide lines or rules.
It is also a well-known journalistic fact that machines that imitate humanoid intelligence can only operate within a narrow set of guide lines and rules.
Humanoidity is at the journalistic crossroads, will the treatment of autism to enable those with the condition, lead to the developments being migrated into machines and resulting with machine to be self-conscious. How is journalism going to present this incredible breakthrough for the benefit of technology and future productivity, especially accounting.
Padoke the dog, not the blog, has been exposed to countless hours of journalism as he has lay on the floor in front of the television. He believes journalists should not commit science to dealing with autism as a problem and be happy with natures diversity.
Many journalists now predict a future of parallelism. Parallelism is a recently adopted journalistic discovery where humanoids and machines stay on track and move parallel to each other in order to achieve the goals set by corporate leaders at the most senior level.
The Padoke blog hopes to continue to present an ongoing commitment to its contradictions in solidarity with the short comings of the humanoid condition.
Short comings in expectations are the result of over zealous believers of their own wonderfulness. Long live the blog of the dog and all its short comings.