Ask a hungry artist

Hey Dos, do you think artists and composers got a better deal when they all worked for God, asked Dollcee. What I mean is, when everyone went off to church on Sunday and the church paid for everything.

Padoke answered instead of Dos, I think you might be missing some historical information there, Dollcee.

Dos said, let’s face it, art is decoration and entertainment. To get the punters to turn up, you need atmosphere and entertainment. Art for the sake of art is a myth, ask a hungry artist. You need a patron who is wealthy enough to let you get on with it. The churches don’t have that sort of wealth anymore to pay for big new productions. That is why they keep recycling all the old stuff.

Padoke couldn’t resist adding his opinion on this matter. The social position of the churches has been replaced by the corporations. Like the churches have done, the corporations want to promote their wealth and social standing. The thing is though, they wish to do this as cheaply as possible. Social media has become the vehicle to achieve this. Where, the punters provide the content and then pay to watch it, while the corporations use social media as the carrier of their messages.

Dollcee said, what is the message.

Padoke broke into song,

spend spend all you’ve got

borrow some more

when you are totally broke

and can borrow no more

you will get, kicked out the door