Dos and Padoke were being themselves. Dos off in a daydream and Padoke on the floor occasionally twitching as a reaction to a flea in his coat having a nibble.
Dos said, I wonder what it is like to be really real. Be somebody that has lots of contacts and likes, someone solid. A somebody, I don’t mean anything grand like a celebrity who has millions of likes and is switched on about everything.
I only mean someone who has enough hits to say, look at this, I can verify who I am. Say, about four hundred and thirty-five hits.
Padoke said, I know that I am really real, because these fleas keep reminding me with their continuous nibbling away of me.
Dos ignored Padoke’s dogged attitude.
Padoke, I wonder if the internet system went down for say three days, would all the celebrities disappear or would they hibernate until the service was restored.
Dos went on, I imagine it would be hard for them on social media with no internet service. Being on a blog like us, it wouldn’t matter so much, I suppose, if the internet went down, we would still exist after it was restored.
Padoke said, maybe we should become an e-book. Even better, we could be printed onto paper as a hard copy. We would only have to worry about being sent to the wheelie bin then.