Dos is having an internal conversation, so much of what I have to deal with every day is not really real. What I really mean is, going about your activity does not mean you have anything to show for the energy expended.
I might have a new song at the end of the day, but the song is only ideas turned into sound waves. Back in the olden days there would have been a tape or a CD. Now, it is a digital file on a memory stick.
I wonder how long it will be before humanoids are so divorced from really real things, they are not really real themselves anymore. I suppose that is what Ohbumall is all about. Products made by other products go and buy products from other products in a far more efficient and cost-effective way than any human could ever do it. Imagine if all this became so efficient that the Government Productive Commission would have to get rid of all the humanoids because they couldn’t keep it up. GDP would grow at such a rate; the products would definitely have to move off planet in order to keep growth up. I can’t imagine how big, big could get if it was all about machines and their productive capacities.