Dollcee said, her light bulb moment was, when she adopted a position of accepting her ignorance, before that I didn’t get terribly far with much. Now I feel I have returned to a childlike curiosity. However, I do recognize that accumulated experience could save you from an awful lot of problems.
Rosa said, you are lucky to come to this understanding at a young age.
Dollcee said, she tries to separate waffle from important and essential things. It is sometimes hard to change your attitudes, but in most cases, not impossible.
Rosa said, good on you Dollcee, it is a pity more citizens cannot accept their ignorance.
Dollcee went on, Rosa, since I have become an intergalactic art critic, I have become comfortable with the entire universe being built from tiny pulses of energy. However, I am still struggling to come to terms with how the thought process takes place. It probably is the same process, tiny waves of energy moving randomly through the neural switching system.
Rosa said, don’t ignore the old fashion pencil and paper method of correlating and recording thought, it can be more reliable than, random switching in the neural network.
When you put it like that, it reminds me of these worries about artificial intelligence, the rich and powerful keep taking about.
Rosa said, there is absolutely nothing artificial in the universe, it all belongs.