Padoke said to Dos, sometimes I think you forget that I am a dog and I simply can not grasp the motivation behind so many humanoid activities.
Laying here on the floor watching television, so many things appeared to me to be, ridiculous.
It took humanoids three million years to realize that the surface of the planet is a series of tectonic plates. They are constantly moving, slowly, but always moving. The result of these tectonic shifts are huge mountain ranges. Yet, you humanoids continue to build communities on the fault lines of the plates. When the buildings get flattened, they rebuild them in the very same place. I think that the reason is so you can get entertaining television for dogs that lay on the floor in front of the television.
Dos, I am a dog, I know what emotions are and I feel empathy. I also feel the rumbles of the ground and the sky. What will it take to get humanoids to understand it is important for the right front paw to know what the left front paw is doing. I am not sure we can last another three million years for your species to figure that out.
Sometimes, I think all the bees on the planet should take industrial action and go on strike. No pollination for one year. That would give your species a wake-up call.
Bees of the planet unite and go on strike.