
Dos sometimes talks to himself, fortunately no one pays any attention. A critical personnel opinion is often made by questioning whether someone’s intellectual age matches their biological age.

This is a totally pointless criticism of someone, because who or what determines an intellectual age assessment. Furthermore, someone could easily be a highly developed citizen in one area and be completely immature citizen in many other aspects. This will sound familiar for most citizens.

One of the interesting aspects of opinion is, there is no requirement to substantiate any statement. An opinion could be seen by some to be both ignorant or immature or undeveloped thinking. The opinion is something out there, possibly for ever more. A citizen might connect with it sooner or later or even ponder over it seeking meaning.

Where is the connection here with age and intellect, well there more than likely is none. A child is not weighted down much by precedent and has more opportunity to learn new things, where as an adult with all the baggage of experiences can be blinded by their maturity.