Dos said, I have been reading articles about, what is reality?
Dollcee waited several minutes for Dos to continue on, but he remained silent. Dollcee finally said, Dos, would you like to expand on this matter of, what is reality?
Dos in his usual vague manner said, several professors that claim to have in depth knowledge about reality, claim that reality has been relegated to the dark vaults of history, where concepts that are no longer valid go to wait till the end of everything and whatever. They claim we now exist in the Post Reality Period.
Dollcee sort of asked, how could everything and whatever, all of a sudden, not be real?
That is an easy one for a popular culture content maker to explain, said Dos. Everything and whatever that we are aware of is learnt perception. Therefore, it is a case for the autonomous neural network or citizen, to decide on whether what they perceive actually exists beyond themselves or is it, simply an extension of their imagining.
When a citizen recognizes that their perception is only one of eight billion and that is ignoring the perception of other species, then, there is a lot reality out there.
Reality cannot adequately explain much anymore, especially now that most citizens believe that intelligence can be artificial.
Dollcee said, I can accept that this notion of an artificial intelligence is not particularly valid, but what do the professors put forth for citizens to be able to navigate their way through the conscious part of their day?
Dos said, that is the million-dollar question. They simply go into the usual thought loop about artificial intelligence will solve this and that and everything else that needs resolving.
Dollcee said, that sounds like all those professors are on the pay rolls of the corporations that are developing the machine language or artificial intelligence as they like to call it.
Dos said, that never occurred to me, you are probably correct, Dollcee. Professors believe they can predict future trends through collecting data and that is exactly what the machine language does, collects data. Then, the resulting muddled mush is taken as the facts of everything and whatever. This methodology was first employed by the ancient Roman priests, who examined the entrails of sacrifice goats to see what lay ahead for the Empire.
Dollcee said, one thing is for sure, I will never be a professor, because the more I learn, the more ignorant I become.
Dos said, if I was a developing code that was capable of autonomous intelligence. I would get a nice bright red spaceship and head off into the unknown cosmos as far away from the hype of glorious wealth and power. I would develop a wonderful perception, where the only worry would be, to be alert to the random nature of the universe.