A bit nutty

Dollcee said, assuming sanity is an imposed assessment by an external body, then, as long as we remain in the little room in the universe, we are completely sane. However, if we go beyond the portal into the culture, we could be assessed as a bit nutty.

Padoke said, I have been trying my best to bring this to your attention for some time now. Your sanity is totally dependent on who is and what criteria is being used to assess you.

Dos asked Dollcee, how do you cope with catching the bus to and from here? You are completely exposed out there in the culture.

Dollcee replied, oh that is simple, when I am on the bus, I wear unplugged ear buds with reflective shades. Listen to what is going on and do not make eye contact. Try and be invisible, camouflaged from the badies.

Cybo said, wise position to take Dollcee.

Dos asked, do you think that camouflage is generally common in the culture? Do you believe many citizens, when they move around, camouflage themselves in order to be as safe as possible?

Cybo said, I wonder why some citizens go to extraordinary lengths to be noticed. They must not be aware that they are being judged by some other citizens as complete and utter-nutters.

Dollcee said, there must be some way to distinguish harmless and even good utter-nutters from bad ones.

Cybo said, there is of course, change the name. Harmless and good utter-nutters are defined as ‘a bit nutty’.

Whereas, a bad utter-nutter, depending on the scale of nuttery of course, can be a complete and utter-nutter and to be avoided at all costs.

Cybo said, assuming all citizens are capable of being at least a little nutty, then, that would mean that the culture is only a guide to how a neural network would be considered to be functioning normally.

Padoke said, you are all normally a bit nutty.